Custom Church Baptistry & Furnishing (Specialty Woodworking)


Type: Commercial
Location: New Castle, Indiana
Products & Brands:

  • Custom Wood Products from Spiceland Wood Shop
  • Marble & Wrought Iron Accent Pieces 

Project Description

Church asked Spiceland Wood Products to custom make a new baptistery and associated furnishings as part of an update to their facility. The commercial renovation project included custom woodworking and included providing custom laminate casework for church kitchen and fellowship hall.

Project Testimonial

Sonja and I want to thank you for the great experience that you and your company provided to us throughout the design, manufacture, and installation of our library cabinetry you made for our condo. Our friends and family rave about its quality and appearance. You are all craftsmen and it was a real pleasure watching the project come together during the whole process.

Al & Sonja